Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Lenten Plans


The season of Lent--the 40 day period of preparation before Easter--begins with Ash Wednesday, February 17.  We will provide both a morning and evening service for the imposition of ashes.  That will be at 10am and 7pm, respectively, with meditation and prayers.


We will also continue the tradition of a Lenten soup supper.  These humble meals will be every Wednesday in Lent at 6pm.  That is February 17, 24, March 3, 10, 17, and 24.  We will not have soup during Holy Week, but will instead offer Maundy Thursday service on April 1, 7pm, and Good Friday service April 2, 7pm.


Our soup supper study this year will use the book by Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluisio, "Hungry Planet:  What the World Eats", Napa, California:  Ten Speed Press, 2009.  Each session will focus on the meals of a typical family in various communities around the world, and we will attempt to prepare a meal from their typical foodstuffs.  It should be interesting!  Wait for further instructions then sign up each week in church or by email. 


Sister Church Connection


We have established a sister church relationship with St. Matthew UMC, 1000 N. Orleans, 60610.  We will volunteer at their food pantry handing out food supplies, during Lent.  The days of operation are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am to noon.  Consider keeping some time open on those days to volunteer at our sister church!  Let me know if you are interested either by email, phone, or in person.


Pastor Gary

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


January 10
"Jesus, Mary and a Cup of Joe" resumes at Beans & Bagels, 1812 W. Montrose, at 9am.  We will be looking at Gregg Mortenson's new book, "Stones Into Schools"
Saturday, January 16 at 2pm beat winter blues with aromatherapy.
This is a follow up class to our, "Natural Paths of Healing".
Please bring an emprt prescription bottle!
Sunday, January 17 in worship, Christian Peacemaking as an answer to violence.
Cynthia Okyama Dopke.
Sunday, January 31:  Chili Fest, noon.  Come get warm with a bowl of chili.


Upcoming events:
January 16 at 2pm

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