Friday, January 27, 2023

Happy New Year

Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church

The Monthly Newsletter

   Message from Pastor Mori

Dear RFUMC Family

Happy New Year 2023 !! 

The New Year is a time for reflection and renewal, a time to let go of the past and embrace the future. As Christians, we are called to always strive for growth and change, to become more like Christ in all that we do. One verse that encapsulates this idea is 2 Corinthians 5:17, which states, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"

This verse reminds me that when we accept Christ as our savior, we become a new creation. We are no longer defined by our past mistakes or failures, but by the grace and love of God. In the New Year, we have the opportunity to let go of our old selves and to embrace the new person that we have become in Christ.

In order to make the most of the new year, it is important that we approach it with a cooperative and open-minded attitude. Cooperation is essential because we are not alone in our journey of growth and change. As we begin the Northside Co-op ministry, I thought that we are part of a community of believers, and we need to work together to support and encourage one another. An open mind is also important because it allows us to be receptive to new ideas and perspectives, and to be willing to change our minds when we are wrong. 

One of the other ways to make the most of the new year is to set goals and make plans to achieve them. This could include things like reading the Bible more, attending church more regularly, or volunteering at the ministry. These actions will not only help us to grow as Christians, but they will also make a positive impact on the world around us. It is important to keep in mind that we should approach these goals with a cooperative and open-minded attitude, and be open to working with others, and to adapt and change our plans as needed. 

I am very excited to work with the Northside Co-op Pastors and with the churches. I can see the positive changes that will be happening in our community in 2023!! 

With this hope, I am wishing all of RFUMC members a blessed and joyful new year filled with God's love and grace. 

Pastor Mori 


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  Community Info & Link
    Welcome Northside Co-op 


Welcome, Northside-co-op pastors! 
We are thrilled to have you join us in ministry as we work together to bring hope, love, and guidance to the RFUMC community starting from January 2023. We believe that by combining our talents and resources, we will be able to make a greater impact and touch more lives for the glory of God. We look forward to this partnership and the many blessings that will come from it. Let's walk this journey together, hand in hand, and make a difference in the world !! 


                           Upcoming Jan-Lent Season Preacher
                         at Ravenswood Fellowship UMC 

 Lent Journey 

We would like to inform you that more detailed plans for our Lent worship and Bible meditation program will be posted in the coming days. Please stay tuned for updates and we look forward to sharing this meaningful journey with you!!  

               RFUMC Young Adult Group - with Pastor Zach Davis 
                        Jan 29 Sunday, following the worship service at the parlor 


Feb 05 Sunday 

Holy Communion Service 


                RFUMC Decluttering Project                     


Thank you for signing up for the de-cluttering project.  We will be planning the dates to meet and get this project startred. Step one for our winter Church clean-up process will be to identify what can be disposed of. 

If you did not get a chance to sign up and would like to help, you may still sign up by using this link.

The final step of this Winter church clean-up will be to order the dumpster so we can dispose of the unnecessary items and declutter the church space.  


Feb 04 Sunday is Night Ministry Sunday 

Join us for a volunteer opportunity with The Night Ministry on February 5th, following the Sunday worship service at the RFUMC gym. We will be packing lunch bags for the homeless, providing an essential meal for those in need. Your help is greatly appreciated. If you want to join us please contact to John Davis (E-mail)  or Church Office. (E-mail)

                                     Soup-er bowl Sunday 

We cordially invite you to join us on February 12th for our Soup-er-bowl Sunday, following our worship service in the gym. This is an opportunity for the RFUMC community to come together and support a great cause - the Ravenswood Community Services We are collecting canned soup, chili, and stews as a donation to the Community service. Your generosity will make a difference in the lives of those in need. And as a bonus, we will be offering a delicious hand-made soup lunch after the service. Please bring your donations to the gym after the service and let's make this a successful event together. If you have any questions please contact Julane (Email) or Church office (E-mail

                              Spaghetti Dinner & Bake Sale 

                       Vitality Yoga - Every Saturday 8:45-10:00 

Join us for a rejuvenating experience with our Vitality Yoga program! Led by experienced instructor Gina Maria, our gentle yoga class is designed for all ages and levels. Every Saturday at 8:45 AM, come to the RFUMC Church Gym  for a 75-minute session and leave feeling refreshed and energized. The class fee is $12, Please join us on Saturday and start your journey to better health and wellness!
if you have any question please contact to Cheryl(E-mail) or Church office (E-mail)

-------------------- Northside co-op announcement ---------------

                             Grace church of Logan Square 


                                     Big Shoulder Church


                                United Church of Rogers Park 

A deep dive into  the life and teachings of Jesus. 
A Love Letter From God" A Conversation with God:
 It's never too late to jump in. Join us Wednesday night as we continue our exploration of the Gospels, using only the tools of prayer, meditation, and lively discussion. All are welcome. Bring a friend! Join us Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. central, 8 p.m. est. Hosted by United Church of Rogers Park and long-time member and friend Duffy Poindexter.

Zoom Link: 
Dial by your location 312 626 6799 US 

                                United Church of Rogers Park 

                                           80'S  Dance Party 


You're invited to an '80s dance party! 
Come par-tay with us. Saturday 25 February from 7:00 pm to 10:00pm. We'll be dancing to the '80s in Overdier Hall [3rd floor, an elevator is available]. Please bring a love offering to cover the DJ, snacks and drinks. Come mix, mingle, and meet new or old friends. Or just DANCE! This is a sober party, no alcohol.


Winter RFUMC - Church Office Hours


We will have a "winter office schedule" for the church office from January 2nd through February 19th. 
Church office hours will be as follows:

 Monday:       office is closed
     Tuesday:       9:30am - 12:30pm
     Wednesday: 9:30am - 12:30pm
    Thursday:     9:30am - 12:30pm
              Friday:          9:30am - 12:30pm          


               Scripture Reader & Worship Leader  Sign-ups     

We have changed the Sunday worship service to include a worship leader, as well as a scripture reader.  If you are interested in assisting with either of these parts of worship service, please sign up using the following link:

  - Sunday worship Leader (Call to worship/ Opening Prayer/ Prayer of Dedication) 
  Sign-Up Here
 -  Scripture Reader (First and Second Scripture - Feb 05,15,22)
  Sign-Up Here




      Coffee Hour Sign-ups   

We have begun to have a light coffee hour following worship service on the first and third Sunday's each month.  If you would like to sign up for a coffee hour (bring a light snack and serve beverages) please sign up by clicking here  


                                       RFUMC Building Ministry

Ravenswood Fellowship UMC
February  Calendar click Here.
Church Room Reservation Form 
(to request use of the common areas of the church) Click Here 



                                           Links for Worship




  • Join Zoom worship by going to this link at 10:30 AM on Sunday:

    Meeting ID: 767 300 8300

    One tap mobile

    +13126266799,,7673008300# US (Chicago)

    Dial by your location

            +1 309 205 3325 US

  • Want prayer? During our Prayers of the People, we will read your prayer requests. Submit your prayer requests here.

  • Download. Get your bulletin here.

  • Missed last week? Check out the Facebook Live video on our page here

Give on PayPal
Our mailing address is:
4511 North Hermitage Ave. Chicago, IL 60640
Contact us at:
(773) 561-2610

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