Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cup of Joe

"Jesus, Mary and a Cup of Joe" (first cup) meets at Beans N Bagels, 1812 W. Montrose, at 9am every Sunday.  We do book discussion and review current events from a Christian perspective.
Following a summer of labor organizing activities with hotel workers, we are reading Paulo Freire's 1968 book, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed".  Come and join us for some coffee and stimulating give & take!

Friday, October 2, 2009


Pastor's Pen


I was intrigued by the new fund raising technique employed by the City of Chicago:  they take memorial photographs of your car passing through various city intersections, and send a copy to you in the mail.  (Sort of like those photos taken of yourself coming off the cruise ship, or at a fancy restaurant).  The photograph comes outlined in red with a close up of your license plate.  The requested donation is $100.  I have collected several of these photographs:  my car turning right…my spouse's car hastening onward. 


Now the city is in need of funds, so loyal citizen that I am, of course I am glad to help out.  This is one school of thought on raising funds:  tell them how broke we are, and ask them to put in a little extra.  But another way of raising funds is to tell people how we are changing lives, and trust that they will want to contribute.


On that note, I wish to mention that the CROP Walk is Sunday, October 18.  Here is a short excerpt about how we at RFUMC are changing lives through the CROP Walk. (This is written by Julia F. Jones, Assistant Director, Great Rivers Regional Office, Church World Service—people who organize the CROP Walk.)


When I traveled to Haiti last year, I found communities of warm and welcoming people, despite the extreme poverty and rising food costs in that country.  I heard mothers tell stories of making "cookies" out of mud and salt, baked in the sun, to give to their children so they would have something in their stomachs.  I heard stories of political violence, of devastating hurricanes, of the lack of education for children and adults. 

But, as an employee of Church World Service (CWS), I also heard words of thanks from these same people, who explained how CWS and CROP Hunger Walks have changed their lives permanently, for the better.  CROP Hunger Walks have enabled women in Haiti to learn to read, to receive micro-loans, and to start businesses.  Men are learning new sustainable agriculture techniques and to feed their families.  Children can now go to school, when they had never dreamed of that possibility before.  And this is just one country!

CROP Hunger Walks enable change and hope to be realized in 80 different countries, including right here in the U.S.  It is incredible to witness how small efforts make big differences, moving us toward a world where there's enough for all.

Will you be a part of this transformation of lives?  


The CROP Walk kicks off right after church.  Please consider walking, or sponsor someone who will.  This is fund raising we can all jump into.


Pastor Gary

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Ravenswood Fellowship will celebrate its fourth annual Homecoming this Sunday, September 13.  Worship begins at 10:30, with choir and Sunday School. 
Refreshments follow with an appearance of Na-Ka-Puna ukelele band and hula dancers. 
Jesus, Mary and a Cup of Joe (book discussion group) resumes at 9am at Beans N Bagels, 1812 W. Montrose.  We are discussing a book by CJ Hawking, "Staley", about the labor movement.
Knitting Circle also meets after church.  We are knitting to produce a blanket for winter warming of the needy.
All are welcome!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009



Thursday, July 16, 2009

Veggie Fest

Please note the Veggie Fest is in Naperville, August 8 and 9.  Not affiliated with us, but might be worthwhile!  Just navigate to this site:

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cooking Class Correction

The next, "Here's Cookin'" class is Saturday, July 25, at noon, in the church kitchen:  third door north of Sunnyside on Hermitage.  Top of the stairs and straight ahead.  No charge.

We are doing some recipes from Mark Bittman's, "Food Matters"-- food that is both delicious and with a low carbon footprint!

Summer Worship Hours

Notice:  we will observe a Sunday worship hour of 10 am this summer until September 13, when we will revert to 10:30.

Also, "Jesus, Mary and a Cup of Joe", will be on break until September 13.  Mark your calendars additionally, for October 4 when the group will hear CJ Hawking discuss her book, "Staley", about a labor dispute significant in Illinois history.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Green Theology Program News

Tuesday, June 23 Tour of "Growing Home", urban farm.  Depart church at 2:15pm

Classes from Mark Bittman's, "Food Matters" cookbook.  (Classes in church kitchen):
Tuesday, June 30, 7pm, dinner.
Sunday, July 26 at noon, lunch.
Sunday, August 23, 9am, breakfast.
All classes taught by Heather.  Bring your book, if you like.

Yoga class, either in the Japanese garden or church parlor
Saturday, August 8, 10am (bring a beach towel).
Taught by Cara Jepsen.  First class is free; subsequent classes by arrangement with instructor.

Creation theology class, in the church parlor.  (our faithful stewardship of creation).
Saturday, August 8, 11am.
Saturday, August 15, 11 am.
Taught by Gloria Grasse- Hendrix, UMC Deacon and PhD candidate.  No fee.

Other announcements:

Friday, June 26 "Here's Holywood" movie night 6:30.  Meryl Streep, in, "Doubt"
Sunday, June 28 Pulpit exchange with Brian Smith
Friday, July 24, "Here's Holywood"
Sunday, August 2  Worship outdoors on front lawn
August 10, 11, 12 Vacation Bible School, 6:30pm
Friday, August 14, "Here's Holywood".

Monday, June 1, 2009

June Update

Greetings from greenfest

Our booth at this annual gathering of green businesses, educational and advocacy groups, was a big hit!  Once folks got used to the idea of, "What's a church doing here?", we found common ground.  Many conversations circled around sustainable food production and environmental justice, along with economic development in urban, "food deserts".

One of our new friends from greenfest offered this link to a carbon- footprint calculator.  Why don't you give it a try?

Meanwhile, our annual walkathon to raise funds for world service became also a trashathon, as we carried bags for trash and recycling.  Our inventory of stuff collected along 4 miles of Chicago streets:  94 plastic bottles for water and juice, 42 aluminum cans, 6 glass bottles, 1 brake pedal, 1 rearview mirror, 2 CDs- unidentifiable, 5 unidentifiable gizmos, 1 bath caddy, 1 pingpong racket, 1 bubblegum container, 12 lottery tickets- not winners, 1 d- cell battery, 1 CTA card- expired, 13 cigarette packages- Marlboro flip top, 1 pr. "Lolita" sunglasses- broken, 1 dirty diaper, 1 stainless steel water bottle- the worse for wear, 3 bags of unconsolidated paper, 1 dead squirrel, 1 pc. sheet music- "Tell Me Why".

The recyclable items were recycled.

Friday, May 15, 2009

May 15 update

Our gardens are up and growing, demonstrating what sustainable city agriculture is all about.  Stop by the alley behind 4511 N. Hermitage and look for the raised beds of veggies!  Want to try your hand?  Fill out the application below.

Meanwhile, we will be exhibiting at Green Fest, booth 618.  Hours are 10- 7 Saturday,
11- 7 Sunday.  (Note the changed booth number).

On May 31 we will hold our second annual walkathon to raise funds for world service.  This time we'll carry blue bags to clean up along the (4 mile) route, sorting recycling at the end of the walk.  Care to join us?  Get a sponsor form at the church office.

June 6 will be our chicken teriyaki sale.  Call us to place orders, or email us.

June 7 is the beginning of annual conference.  We will be commissioning Gloria, our deacon.  Conference is at Pheasant Run, in St. Charles.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Upcoming Events
Saturday, May 9  Growers' Potluck, noon, kitchen
Saturday, May 16 & Sunday, May 17  Visit our booth (#519) at Greenfest

Our community garden is available for growing!  Fill out an application:

Application:  Ravenswood Fellowship Community Garden




Telephone number:
Site Preference:
   1. Raised beds, plots are about 2' X 6' (more intensive cultivation, may allow 2 harvests)

    2.  Metra, plots are about 3' X 8'
   May 15- Sept. 30 (earlier, with cold- tolerant crops like lettuces, kale, onions)

I will have plants in my plot by May 30.  Signed_______________________

Check the appropriate items:

  • I am a senior citizen
  • I am physically disabled
  • This is my first year at this garden
  • I would like a garden next to a friend, Name
  • I have gardened before at (where?); for how long?
  • I am interested in attending a class on:
    • Creation spirituality
    • Impacts of industrial foods
    • Cooking with locally grown foods
    • Organic farming and foods
    • Other:

     .     I am interested in advocacy with government:

                      >Preserving conservation easements & open space

                      >Food, farms and jobs

                > Other

Thursday, March 19, 2009

April Update

Calendar of events in March- April:

Wed., Mar. 25:  "Foods of the Bible" study continues with speaker Rich Wood
                        of Food Animal Concerns Trust.  6pm, kitchen.  Soup will be served!

Sunday April 5:  Palm Sunday service, with palms, 10:30 am

Friday April 10 Good Friday service, 7pm.  Tenabrae, in the church parlor.

Sunday April 12 Easter service, 10:30am

Sunday April 19, Celebration of the Creation; Earth Day service.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Sundays 9am  At Jesus Mary & Cup of Joe We will be discussing Charles R. Morris, "The Trillion Dollar Meltdown: Easy Money, High Rollers, and the Great Credit Crunch". Join us at at Starbucks on Montrose & Wolcott, beginning Feb. 15..

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

February Events
     Saturday Feb. 7
          Trustee Work Day  9am
           Discussion, "Getting the Dirt on Soil", 2pm

     Saturday Feb. 14
           Youth Group  2pm

     Sunday Feb 15
           Day of Remembrance 2pm, 1604 N. Clark

February Events:

Saturday, Feb. 7

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