Friday, March 13, 2020

RFUMC and the Christian response to COVID-19

Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church

The Weekly Newsletter

A Message from Pastor Erin

Dearly Beloved Ones, 

I hope this email finds you feeling healthy and strong now more than ever. We have been reading the news in awe, washing our hand diligently, and praying for our (local and global) community. And every tickle in our throats and seasonal allergy sneeze has us wondering if we are at risk of spreading a disease. Moments of great trail, like our present, remind us of Jesus's ever-relevant teaching that we are only as strong and as healthy as the poorest, most vulnerable among us. 

On Wednesday the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 (also known as the Corona virus) a global pandemic. Months and years from now we will begin to understand the importance our response to each other in this time. And we know that as a Christian community, we are called to respond in multiple ways to care for each other. Priests, physicians, and care-givers of all kinds should consider caring for others as opportunities to care for Christ himself (see Matthew 25). And, not all are called to and capable of carrying for others. In fact, caring for each other is some times the care of one's self by creating social distance to prevent the spread of disease. 

With all of this in mind, here are some things the leaders at Ravenswood Fellowship UMC are doing to ensure hygienic worship as a form of Christ-like care for all:

  • As of right now we are NOT canceling worship on Sundays because it is right to give God our thanks and praise.
  • Elbow bumps and polite nods encouraged during passing of the peace. The holy affirmation of love to one another is a great gift we can share and we do so hygienically. Spreading peace in times of anxiety is our goal, not spreading disease.
  • Ask someone if you can hug them before doing so. This should be an always rule, but it definitely applies as a rule for now.
  • Stay home from worship if you need to. It is okay not to go to worship! Caring for yourself, especially if you are at higher risk for contracting a disease or fearful for those you love, is a morally wise, Christian choice. (And we are looking into ways to offer video sermons and music selections to you online!)
  • Those preparing food and drink for hospitality will wear gloves to prevent the spread of germs while encouraging the fellowship over food.
  • Before communion servers will first sanitize their hands before offering you the bread. You will hold out your hand and they will place the bread in your open palm to prevent all people from touching multiple pieces. 
  • During communion, you do not have to dip your bread in the cup. You can skip it if you'd like and you will still remember that Christ has died, Christ  has risen, and Christ will come again.
  • Young People's Bible Study (ages 12-18) before worship is suspended until after Easter (beginning April 19).
We will continue to work diligently to provide hygienic ways of worship and community gathering as long as it is recommended. We will continue to pray that God may make us instruments of God's peace in an anxious world (see the prayer of St. Francis as a reference). And we will care for each other by calling, emailing, texting and reaching out because our Christian community does not just happen on Sunday mornings but through our small acts of kindness to one another. 

As always you can find updates on our website. And may God bless you with the hope and trust that God has not left us to be consumed by fear, but calls us to continue in our commitment to serve each other.

Peace and grace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Pastor Erin

Let's Celebrate. Because there are things to celebrate! A new pastor appointed. Rooms being cleaned. And big decisions being made. Join us for a celebratory lunch after worship on Sunday, April 19th to learn more about Pastor Mori, our newly appointed pastor who starts in July, hear updates from the Trustees, and tour the rooms we recently cleaned out. Prepared to be impressed.

Book Club. Our book club goes ONLINE. Our book club reading Real Good Church by Rev. Molly Phinney Baskette goes online for public health reasons. Log on to the Zoom call at 9 AM using this link (and allow the use of Zoom on your computer) or by calling in at 1-646-558-8656 (meeting ID: 336 728 550) on Saturday,March 14 at 9 AM. Read chapter 6 (see the PDF version here). Didn't read? Still join!

Night Ministry. Help us feed the underserved in our community on Monday, March 30 as we partner with The Night Ministry. Prepare to travel with fellow RFUMC folks to South Shore Monday evening.
Our mailing address is:
4511 North Hermitage Ave. Chicago, IL 60640
Contact us at:
(773) 561-2610

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