Saturday, May 30, 2020

A few more updates from RFUMC!  (05.30.2020)

Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church



Message from RFUMC Staff Parish Relationship Committee
On April 28, Bishop Sally Dyck proclaimed all clergy in the Northern Illinois Conference take a 3-day Sabbath. Covid-19 caused clergy to practically-overnight develop new skills to transition to online worship, Bible studies, committee meetings, close buildings, etc. Within a week Pastor Erin got us up to speed and a work in progress continues. Pastor Erin will take her Sabbath days just after Pentecost weekend (Monday-Wednesday) to renew her body, mind, and spirit. She will not be available by phone or email. She will return to work and service Thursday, June 4. Cody Johnson will preach that Sunday (May 31)! 

Passing of Rev. Ernest Singh. It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of Rev. Ernest Singh. Rev. Singh led an Indian-Pakistani church that met in RFUMC for almost 10 years. All are welcome to gather for a time of prayer for Rev. Singh and his family on Saturday, May 30 at 2 PM. In cars, people will line up at the corner of East Prairie street no later than 1:50 PM. The group will drive by Sheela Aunty's house (6730 East Prarie, Lincolnwood, IL), stop for a socially distant prayer, and sign a card for the family.  Our prayers are with the Singh family and the UMC Indian-Pakistani community. 

Last chance to match dollar for dollar! UM Foundation. The United Methodist Foundation of the Northern Illinois Conference, Inc. will match $-for-$ your donation to three food banks for a total match of $50,000 during the month of May. Learn how to double the amount of your donation to local food banks with the UM Foundation here

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Our mailing address is:
4511 North Hermitage Ave. Chicago, IL 60640
Contact us at:
(773) 561-2610

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Friday, May 29, 2020

How will we return to worship at RFUMC?

Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church

The Weekly Newsletter

Message from Pastor Erin

This week, Bishop Sally Dyck of the Northern Illinois Conference of the UMC and a ReTurn Team released a plan to help congregations like ours consider how and when to safely and slowly reopen our church building for worship, activities and renters of our building. Ravenswood Fellowship UMC assembled our own team of individuals (who signed up for our After Covid-19 Teams) to help us work through this document and many others offered by legislators and health organizations. We are in the process of drafting a plan to return to worship in our lovely building. It might not be for awhile. We probably won't celebrate my last Sunday with you all in person, but we will return to the beautiful space we love someday. That's the good news.

The difficult news is that our worship and time together will look very different for (probably) a very long time. As our work, our bodies, and our systems adjust to life after a pandemic, our time as a worshipping community will require adjustment, as well. And we will continue to embrace and struggle through these changes together because we believe that we are making sacrifices that will protect neighbors and strangers from suffering and even death. 

At our "Discussing Reopening Team," the group discusses how to practice communion when we cannot share a cup. We talk about how to pass the peace and what does sharing peace look like when we must maintain 6-feet of distance? Fellowship and food are probably not going to happen for a long time. And what kind of celebration will we have when we are able to sit and eat and drink together once again? I imagine it will be a lot like God's banquet God has planned when death is no more, like the one described in the United Methodist Church service of Holy Communion which says, "By your Spirit make us one with Christ, one with each other, and one in ministry to all the world, until Christ comes in final victory and we feast at his heavenly banquet." 

Yes, things will be different for awhile longer. We will have to reimagine what our Christian community will look like after this era. And, with God's help, we will be together again sometime soon. 

Oh! And worship on Sunday (5.31)?! It's Pentecost, the celebration of Holy Spirit. We wear RED on Pentecost Sunday. Please wear red! Or make your Zoom background red (learn how to change your Zoom background here)! Or wave a red flag and celebrate that we are not left alone. Jesus said, "The Companion, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I told you" (John 14:26). 

Stick around for Fellowship

Although we cannot meet in our building and we cannot sit around at tables together eat delicious snacks and sipping on coffee. We CAN continue to fellowship after worship. Zoom provides "breakout rooms." On Sunday, five minutes after worship ends, we will break out into small groups in Zoom rooms to talk about life, catch up with each other, and (hopefully) laugh. Please stay after worship to remind each other of the love we share in Christ in fellowship. You don't have to do anything. Just show up! Learn about "What are Zoom Rooms?" here. 

Community Info & Links

Passing of Rev. Ernest Singh. It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of Rev. Ernest Singh. Rev. Singh led an Indian-Pakistani church that met in RFUMC for almost 10 years. All are welcome to gather for a time of prayer for Rev. Singh and his family on Saturday, May 30 at 2 PM. In cars, people will line up at the corner of East Prairie street no later than 1:50 PM. The group will drive by Sheela Aunty's house (6730 East Prarie, Lincolnwood, IL), stop for a socially distant prayer, and sign a card for the family.  Our prayers are with the Singh family and the UMC Indian-Pakistani community. 

After Covid-19 Teams. We need your help. Yes, you! There is so much to do to think about re-opening safely. Please let us discuss all the things. Be brave and express interest to help here or email Pastor Erin with questions and ideas.

Coffee Hour with Pastor Erin. Miss talking with your friends from church? Need to get all the latest news and hear how everyone else's life is going? Join Pastor Erin (and other RFUMC folks) for coffee hour on Tuesdays at 1 PM at this link or call at 312.626.6799 (Meeting ID 896 3613 2612). Pastor Erin will bring a thoughtful question for us to ponder and discuss. 

Craft Group. Learn and practice making paper cranes! If you want fellow project makers during this quarantine, please email Yuko Darcy at or join the Craft Group on Wednesday at 5 PM at this Zoom link.

Young Adult Virtual Happy Hour. Calling all 20-30-somethings! Tired after a long day of staring at screen? Join us for another hour of staring at a screen but this time with a delicious drink in your hand and good company. Log on and hang out with your fellow RFUMC young adults. Email us for the contact info.

Walking Group. Every week people walk together in our church gym for health and community. But while our building in closed the Walking Group takes their community online. And maybe now you can join their Zoom call to check in, support one another, and pray for each other. 8:30 AM on Wednesdays and Fridays. Go to this link here or dial in at 312.626.6799 (Meeting ID: 771 188 446).

Young People's Bible Study. Ages 12-18 are invited to join the Zoom discussion of Jesus stories at 9 AM on Sunday mornings. Join the Zoom call here (Meeting ID: 732 784 767).

Giving Back

Last chance to match dollar for dollar! UM Foundation. The United Methodist Foundation of the Northern Illinois Conference, Inc. will match $-for-$ your donation to three food banks for a total match of $50,000 during the month of May. Learn how to double the amount of your donation to local food banks with the UM Foundation here

Mutual Aid Networks. As individuals struggle to respond to the public health crisis of COVID-19, the Mutual Aid Networks of Lakeview, Andersonville, and Lincoln Square/Ravenswood are hosting a fundraiser to directly help our neighbors with groceries and supplies. Consider contributing here

Giving to RFUMC. Of course, we continue to share our finances to support God's work in our faith community. Support the ministry of Ravenswood Fellowship UMC online and by the mail. Your financial support helps us transform lives and make disciples. Go to our PayPal page here or mail in your gift to 4511 N Hermitage Chicago, IL 60640.

Give on PayPal

Worship Looks Different

Below are some continued learnings for helping you grow confident and participate in our worship experience. And please remember, our building is closed!

  • Worship. Join Zoom worship by going to this link at 10:30 AM on Sunday: Or call in at 1-312-626-6799 (Meeting ID: 806 489 040). 
  • Want prayer? During our Prayers of the People, we will read your prayer requests. Submit your prayer requests here
  • Download. Get your bulletin here
  • Having trouble? Try logging off and logging back on to Zoom during the video. Or simply log off and call in. 
  • Missed last week? Check out the Facebook Live video on our page here
Our mailing address is:
4511 North Hermitage Ave. Chicago, IL 60640
Contact us at:
(773) 561-2610

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