Saturday, May 30, 2020

A few more updates from RFUMC!  (05.30.2020)

Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church



Message from RFUMC Staff Parish Relationship Committee
On April 28, Bishop Sally Dyck proclaimed all clergy in the Northern Illinois Conference take a 3-day Sabbath. Covid-19 caused clergy to practically-overnight develop new skills to transition to online worship, Bible studies, committee meetings, close buildings, etc. Within a week Pastor Erin got us up to speed and a work in progress continues. Pastor Erin will take her Sabbath days just after Pentecost weekend (Monday-Wednesday) to renew her body, mind, and spirit. She will not be available by phone or email. She will return to work and service Thursday, June 4. Cody Johnson will preach that Sunday (May 31)! 

Passing of Rev. Ernest Singh. It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of Rev. Ernest Singh. Rev. Singh led an Indian-Pakistani church that met in RFUMC for almost 10 years. All are welcome to gather for a time of prayer for Rev. Singh and his family on Saturday, May 30 at 2 PM. In cars, people will line up at the corner of East Prairie street no later than 1:50 PM. The group will drive by Sheela Aunty's house (6730 East Prarie, Lincolnwood, IL), stop for a socially distant prayer, and sign a card for the family.  Our prayers are with the Singh family and the UMC Indian-Pakistani community. 

Last chance to match dollar for dollar! UM Foundation. The United Methodist Foundation of the Northern Illinois Conference, Inc. will match $-for-$ your donation to three food banks for a total match of $50,000 during the month of May. Learn how to double the amount of your donation to local food banks with the UM Foundation here

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