Saturday, May 9, 2020

Saying "Yes!" to God at RFUMC

Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church

The Weekly Newsletter

Message from Pastor Erin

Last Sunday, I asked, "What do we want to remember from this time?" Will we remember the fear of going to the store? Yes. Will we remember laughing with friends and family over Zoom calls? Probably. I hope, as a Christian community, we remember that during a time of great crisis, we lived out our call to be Christians caring for others as if we are caring for Christ himself (Matthew 25). We should remember that during a pandemic, we are a people who say "Yes" to God.
When the coronavirus took over our cities and shut everything down, we closed our church doors. I told the leaders of the congregation to stop coming up to the church. We suspended all in person meetings. I sent emails like this one explaining our situation and urging you to stay home and shelter in place.
Shortly thereafter a mutual aid group approached the leadership of RFUMC. Mutual aid is a group of Ravenswood/Lincoln Square neighbors who have resources to offer or who need resources. This group of our neighbors approached us to ask if they could use our empty building. They needed a large space where they could safely practice social distancing while they clean food and necessities donated, sort them for delivery, and get them out safely to our friends. The group asked, the Trustees met with the leaders of their group, and then the Trustees of RFUMC said, "Of course, come in! We have an empty building we can share with our neighbors in need." The church said "Yes!"
And what did I say? I said, "Woah! Woah! Woah! Wait a minute! I already told you to stop coming up to the church. We suspended all in person meetings. We are not letting a bunch of strangers into our building during a pandemic." I emailed the Chairman of the Trustees to say, "Don't talk to that group until you've talked to me first!" I insisted on meeting with the lead volunteer of the mutual aid group, a health and safety professional, to talk about the 150 neighbors who are in need, who want to help, who could use an empty building for good in this time of distress. I woke up in middle of the night worried about their bodies in our space carrying a deadly virus and harming us, harming them, harming more people. I was scared and was questioning God. And, after many conversations with our Trustees (thanks be to God for your patience with me!) I realized I needed to trust you, trust God and say "Yes." I realized we had a beautiful, empty, well-kept space we could safely share with our neighbors who were practicing safe measures to get necessities to those in need. What do I want to remember from this time? When asked to help your neighbor in a time of great need, you all, the people of Ravenswood Fellowship UMC said, "Yes!"

In a time when things are slowing down, when we still stay sheltered in place to protect our neighbors and strangers, what are other opportunities to say, "Yes!" to God and work with God in our midst? I have a few ideas...

  • Say yes to reaching out. There is someone you've thought of often, wondered how they were doing, but forgot to call, text, or write? Do it. They would love to hear from you.
  • Say yes to prayer. Maybe you don't pray often. Or maybe your prayers seems stale lately. Try it. Keep trying it. Prayer is about the discipline of come back to it when we feel like it and when we don't because the practice of regularly doing it changes us and sparks new insights. 
  • Say yes to helping others. Studies show helping others can boost your sense of well-being and lower depression. What?! And there are so many ways to help others. See another list of ways your fellow RFUMC folks could use your help in the "After Covid-19" section below. Commit to doing something to help your church community and then do it. Feel good that you helped someone else and helped draw the Kingdom of God a little closer in this time. 
Oh yeah! And Sunday (May 3) at church, we'll practice a new form of prayer called love and kindness. New spiritual practices can feel weird. Allow yourself to embrace the awkwardness of trying something new. Don't judge yourself or your feelings. Come expecting God to show up in the moment. And bring a piece of paper and something to write with. You'll probably want to write some stuff down. 

After Covid-19 Teams

Our church could use your help thinking about how we will re-opening in phases our worship in-person, help making our space hospitable for when we do re-open, and help beautifying our garden.
  • Do you want to get outside and get your hands dirty? Sign up to help the in church garden.
  • Do you get deep satisfaction from clearing things away and seeing progress of a clean space? Sign up to help us declutter sections of the church.
  • Do you love thinking about the theological and technological aspects of Live-streaming? Sign up to help us prepare to continued live-streaming of our service.
  • Do you have lots of creative ideas about how to safely re-open our space for worship? We wanna hear them! Join the team.
We need your help. Yes, you! Sign up to help here or email Pastor Erin with questions and ideas.

Community Links

Coffee Hour with Pastor Erin. Miss talking with your friends from church? Need to get all the latest news and hear how everyone else's life is going? Join Pastor Erin (and other RFUMC) for coffee hour on Tuesdays at 1 PM at this link or call at 312.626.6799 (Meeting ID 896 3613 2612). Pastor Erin will bring a thoughtful question for us to ponder and discuss. 

Craft Group. We are participating in the Citywide Cloth Mask Drive! To volunteer or donate material, please email Yuko Darcy at or join the Craft Group on Wednesday at 5 PM at this Zoom link.

Young Adult Virtual Happy Hour. Calling all 20-30-somethings! Tired after a long day of staring at screen? Join us for another hour of staring at a screen but this time with a delicious drink in your hand and good company. Log on and hang out with your fellow RFUMC young adults. Email us for the contact info.

Walking Group. Every week people walk together in our church gym for health and community. But while our building in closed the Walking Group takes their community online. And maybe now you can join their Zoom call to check in, support one another, and pray for each other. 8:30 AM on Wednesdays and Fridays. Go to this link here or dial in at 312.626.6799 (Meeting ID: 771 188 446).

Young People's Bible Study. Ages 12-18 are invited to join the Zoom discussion of Jesus stories at 9 AM on Sunday mornings. Join the Zoom call here and download the story for discussion here.

Giving Back

Inclusive Collective. An inclusive Christian community for college students at UIC. Learn more about how to support their work of helping young adults learn more about Jesus, grow in community, and give back to the city. 

Mutual Aid Networks. As individuals struggle to respond to the public health crisis of COVID-19, the Mutual Aid Networks of Lakeview, Andersonville, and Lincoln Square/Ravenswood are hosting a fundraiser to directly help our neighbors with groceries and supplies. Consider contributing here

Sewing Volunteers and Fabric Donation for Craft Group
Help us participate in the Citywide Cloth Mask Drive! Know how to sew (even simple things)? We could use your help. Got fabrics around you can donate? Share them with us! We can use washed(!) fabrics and elastic cords for mask materials.
To volunteer or donate material, please email Yuko Darcy at

UM Foundation. The United Methodist Foundation of the Northern Illinois Conference, Inc. will match $-for-$ your donation to three food banks for a total match of $50,000 during the month of May. Learn how to double the amount of your donation to local food banks with the UM Foundation here

2020 Census. for every person who doesn't get counted, communities lose about $1400 in funding for critical resources like healthcare, education, affordable housing, school lunches, libraries, fire departments, and senior services, all of which help get us through difficult times. Learn more about the census from the Japanese American Service Committee here. Stick around after worship to learn more about the 2020 Census, why it is important, and how you can help!

Giving to RFUMC. Of course, we continue to share our finances to support God's work in our faith community. Support the ministry of Ravenswood Fellowship UMC online and by the mail. Your financial support helps us transform lives and make disciples. Go to our PayPal page here or mail in your gift to 4511 N Hermitage Chicago, IL 60640.

Give on PayPal

Worship Looks Different

Below are some continued learnings for helping you grow confident and participate in our worship experience. And please remember, our building is closed!

  • Worship. Join Zoom worship by going to this link at 10:30 AM on Sunday: Or call in at 1-312-626-6799 (Meeting ID: 806 489 040). 
  • Want prayer? During our Prayers of the People, we will read your prayer requests. Submit your prayer requests here
  • Tired of looking at yourself on the screen? Learn how to turn off the self-view on Zoom.
  • Download. Get you bulletin here
  • Having trouble? Try logging off and logging back on to Zoom during the video. Or simply log off and call in. 
  • Missed last week? Check out the Facebook Live video on our page here
Our mailing address is:
4511 North Hermitage Ave. Chicago, IL 60640
Contact us at:
(773) 561-2610

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