Wednesday, June 10, 2020

All-Church Work Day!  (06.13.2020)

Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church

All-Church Work Day


We are moving through the Phases of Re-Opening
Thanks be to God, we are following the guidelines laid out by our Re-Opening Discussion Team and moving into phase two of re-opening our place of worship. While the Church is not a building, our church has a lovely building and we'd like to make it safe to return to worship if/when we move into phase three of the plan offered by the Re-Opening Discussion Team. 

Part of phase two of Phases for Re-Opening is cleaning and preparing our space for regular on-going cleaning. We will need to clear away some not-regularly-used furniture and difficult-to-clean decoration items, take down old signage, remove all the hymnals and pew cushions, and (in general) wipe down everything.  This work will help us prepare for a more easily-to-regularly-sanitize large building. And we need your help! We are hosting an All-Church work day to help us accomplish some of our cleaning goals. Can you be there?

Because of the continual spread of Covid-19 and for safety reasons, we are only allowing 10 (or less) volunteers at a time in two-hour blocks. Are you able to help us on Saturday, June 13 between the following times?

Saturday, June 13
9 AM - 11 AM
11 AM - 1 PM
1 PM - 3 PM

Snacks (pre-package, individually wrapped, and wiped down) and drinks will be available throughout the day for volunteers. 

It is going to be a fun time of getting out of the house, seeing your fellow church people, and working towards God's hope for the future. You don't want to miss it! Volunteer to help by emailing Pastor Erin at

***Please remember, you are asked in the Phases for Reopening document (here) to wear and mask and maintain 6 ft. or more of distance between yourself and others while at the church building. No more than 10 people will be allowed to volunteer at the allotted times. 
***Gloves and masks will also be provided. ;-)

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4511 North Hermitage Ave. Chicago, IL 60640
Contact us at:
(773) 561-2610

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