Friday, January 8, 2021

Baptism of the Lord Sunday

Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church

The Weekly Newsletter

   Message from Pastor Mori


 This week Pastor Mori is on vacation from Jan 07 to Jan 10, so instead of a message from Pastor Mori, Rev. Gary Hougens, retired pastor of RFUMC, has written a letter to you. 

Greeting from the Hougens!
It's been a long time a strange year. One of my colleagues says it is dangerous to speak after a long silence because you have much to say. I think he is correct. 
This year like most years since retirement I have been fortunate to spend time at Bark River Campground, a private campground in Wisconsin. I can socially distance with our two dogs, from house to car to camper, then to trail, then back home. So far so good. 
 I want to tell you about my neighbor at Bark River. I'll call him Sam. Like most of the campers, he is a front-line worker. Works for a "board-up service" he does. A couple of Springs ago when the north branch of the Fox River was in flood stage for over a month, he was busy boarding-up vacant properties. Whenever there's a big fire, he swings into action wielding sheets of plywood and power tools, working out of the back of his Chevy Silverado pickup truck. 
I didn't see him for a while after the Jacob Blake shooting in Kenosha. There were lots of demonstrations-some peaceful, some not, with much property damage; I assume he was busy. Recently his service has converted to spraying disinfectant in office buildings to prevent Covid infections.
Maybe this is a pretty good definition for the Christian vocation; go where the damage is greatest and do salvage. Bandage the gaping wounds until society can figure out how to resolve underlying conditions. So the board up service in the front line of flood, fire and wind damage (climate change), and civil injustice and unrest (Black Lives Matter), and economic development in areas that should remain natural like the Congo (HIV, Ebola), and where nature has been brought uncomfortably close to civilization (Wuhan, SARS Cov2).
Here and there we see people who are a blessing for the work that they do. I'm thinking of several of you-one in particular who has been named an advisor on president-elect Biden's coronavirus task force. You many know whom I mean. Kind of like real Santa Clauses? (Who was a real person and did real good deeds, according to Kurt Russel and Goldie Hawn in " Christmas Chronicles 2") 
I don't know if Sam is Christian. He isn't pious. But in my opinion, he also does Christian work. I don't know his politics. Rural Wisconsin is Trump country judging by all the roadside signs, and I assume Sam in that category. He probably would object to be depicted as a goodie-two-shoes. But there you have it. 
At this time when the country is so divided. I want to look past the divisions, I've seen the goodness in you all-urban, rural, and in between. This year we need to remember that and value each other. 
About us- we've been fine! Carlene is still residing over "Friends of the Batavia Library" when it is open. She is still swimming a mile 3 times a week. This year she decided to bite the bullet and have spinal fusion surgery (if they're still doing elective surgeries), on December 9, for a slipped vertebra. We continue to enjoy our grandson Tom's improved performances at BHS (via streaming), and visit with Dan and Kris (via Zoom), and church (Vimeo). Before the lockdown, I volunteer for the Warren campaign making phone calls and have enjoyed watching the primaries and general election. In February I did a review of calculus from the University of Illinois days and wasn't too surprised to learn that Isaac Newton had invented calculus during the first pandemic-bubonic plague-in 1665. Go figure. 
The Hougens. 


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Community Info & Links

January 6, 2021, will be remembered as the most dismal day for democracy probably since the Civil War. We saw what was to be a peaceful confirmation of the transfer of power change into violence and disorder. This is far from the principles of democracy. 
One of my PCUSA clergy shared with me this prayer of national crisis. As I read it, I remembered the beautiful spirit of this country and the people who love it and democracy. 

I want to share this prayer for ensuring a peaceful transfer of power and the healing of people's minds.  
(From Mori) 

Jan 03 -Feb 14 Worship 
Bible Reader 

Thank you to all who have volunteered and signed up to be worship service scripture readers. We still have a few slots open, especially in February.  Check your calendars and sign up if you are available! 
Thanks for your continued support. Sign up by clicking here
Jan-Feb14 Bible Scripture and titles are here

Jan 10 Sunday Worship 

Pastor Mori will take time off from January 7th through January 10th. 
During this time, Rev. Gloria Grasse (RFUMC) and Rev. Matthew Krings. (Berry UMC) are available for emergency pastoral care. 
Rev Gloria can be reached at and Rev. Matthew can be reached at

Rev Cody Johnson will read Jan 10th Worship and he will give us the Sermon

                                      Church Office Hours
We will continue to follow Governor Pritzker's guidelines during the COVID 19 pandemic. Currently, the mandate is to stay at home as much as possible.  The office staff will continue to work remotely until this mandate is lifted.  We will follow the guidelines issued by the Governor as well as the Chicago CDC and provide an update when possible.

Pastor Mori can be reached by email at or by leaving a voicemail at the church office at (773) 561-2610.


UMW "Mission u" - (Jan. 23, 2021)
9:30am - 2pm.

The NIC UMW hopes you will save the date for this virtual program (note new date) coming up in the new year titled "Faith and the Prison Pipeline: Understanding the School-to-Prison Pipeline.

Sarah's Circle - Helping Women Rebuild Their Lives in Chicago, Illinois Sarah's Circle
Ending Homelessness for Women
 29th Annual Winter Walk: A mile in Her Shoes      

Winter Walk: a Mile in Her Shoes highlights the harsh reality of women's homelessness during the deadly cold of Chicago's winters. Your support can make the difference between a woman struggling to survive alone on the street and a woman who is safe and warm in her own bed.

Whether you decide to donate, help fundraise, or simply attend the virtual event, Sarah's Circle thanks you for your help ensuring that every woman in Chicago has a place to call home. : Corded Telephone, Retro Vintage Desktop Wired Landline Phone  with Flash, Re-dial and Reserve Function for Home/Office Decoration, Old  Fashioned Rotary Dial : Electronics Weekly Sermon Phone Service 

If you do not have computer access or cannot access our Sunday worship service through a smart phone, we now have a sermon by phone service, which is available at any time!  The phone number is (773) 219-0861
You can listen to a recent version of Pastor Mori'ss Sunday sermon and it's free!  

Obachan's (Japanese Grandma)
Daidokoro (Kitchen) 

おばあちゃん の 台所


3/4 lb. ground round 
1 small onion, minced 
1 egg 
1/2 can water chestnuts, finely chopped
salt, paper 
1pkg. small won ton skins 

Mix all ingredients together except the skins. Place one teaspoonful of the mixture onto each square. Moisten the edges with water and fold over to form a triangle. Now bring the two corners on the folded edges together and seal with a bit of water. Deep fry and serve with *sauce. 

*Sauce: Simmer together 
3/4 C. apricot preserves 
1/4 C. vinegar 
4 pieces pimiento, chopped (optional) 

After Covid-19 Updates
Read about the Phases for Re-Opening here. Is that document too long? Read the summary version here.


Links for Worship

  • Join Zoom worship by going to this link at 10:30 AM on Sunday: Or call in at 1-312-626-6799 (Meeting ID: 806 489 040). 
  • Let's boost our worship! Please sign-up for Worship service Bible reader Sign-Up here.
  • Young People's Bible Study. Ages 12-18 are invited to join the Zoom discussion of Jesus stories at 9 AM on Sunday mornings. Join the Zoom call here (Meeting ID: 828 2305 3546, One-tap mobile+13126266799)
  • Want prayer? During our Prayers of the People, we will read your prayer requests. Submit your prayer requests here.
  • Download. Get your bulletin here.
  • Having trouble? Try logging off and logging back on to Zoom during the video. Or simply log off and call in. 
  • Missed last week? Check out the Facebook Live video on our page here
Give on PayPal
Our mailing address is:
4511 North Hermitage Ave. Chicago, IL 60640
Contact us at:
(773) 561-2610

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