Saturday, March 19, 2022

Third Sunday in Lent

Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church

The Weekly Newsletter

   Message from Pastor Mori

Dear RFUMC Family


"You should also know that I do not want you to recite all these words in your prayer. That would make it nothing but idle chatter and prattle. ….. Rather do I want your heart to be stirred and guided concerning the thoughts which ought to be comprehended in the Lord's Prayer.
These thoughts may be expressed, if your heart is rightly warmed and inclined toward prayer, in many different ways and with more words of fewer.
"A simple way to pray"

Do you like "The Lord's Prayer"? Every week, we pray it together during our Sunday worship, but I never thought about how it might be my personal prayer. So today I want to share the wisdom of Martin Luther (1483-1564). Luther saw prayer as crucial to living and growing in the Christian faith and he sees the Lord's Prayer as particularly important, and he teaches a very specific use of the Lord's Prayer. 
Luther used the Lord's Prayer as an outline to structure a time of prayer- a framework that shapes prayers offered in our own words, meditations, requests, praise and at the same time it is confession. His simple outline: the Lord's Prayer first two words establish an intimate conversation with God, the first three petitions guide us into the appropriate attitude and focus on God's concerns (God's name, God's kingdom and God's will), and then God invites us to bring our own concerns. (whether for food, forgiveness, guidance or other help) 
I want to invite you to pray with each line of the Lord's Prayer. 
"Our father in heaven" – We call out God. God is the creator and also ruler of the universe, but we have intimacy with God as well, so we pray "Our father." Also, we find that intimacy is balanced by its opposite. The God who is "in heaven" leads us to humble silence as we reflect on our relationship with God. 
"Hallowed be your name" – We take time to ask that God be honored in us and everywhere. We may offer praise and thanks for things that reflect the holiness of God.  
"Your kingdom come" – We spend time asking for God to reign more visibly and thoroughly. Jesus fed the hungry, healed the sick, and cared for the outcast, so we ask God to make these priorities for our mission too in terms of service and justice. 
"Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven" – We humble ourselves, openly acknowledge that God's plans are more important than our own.
"Give us this day our daily bread" – After three petitions about God, now we turn to ourselves. We are always dependent on God for everything, but we are also challenged to simplicity – it is interesting interpretation for me. According to Martin Luther, we are not only praying for daily care, but also for only what we really need. We should pray for what is really good for us and for the world. 
"And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors" – We pray for attention to the harms we have done as well to the harms others have done us. By asking God to forgive them, we too, take steps toward forgiving.
"And do not bring us to the time of Trial" / "Lead is not into temptations" – We ask God to guide us, leading us away from anything that draws us from the way of Christ. Thinking of trials we ask God to spare us mercifully. 
"But rescue us from the evil one"/ "Deliver us from evil" – The seventh and last request is about God's protection. God's protection from all the things that worry us. 
Luther said "This is the way I use the Lord's Prayer when I pray it. To this day I suckle at the Lord's prayer like a child, and as an old man eat and drink from it and never get my fill. It is the very best prayer, even better than the psalter, which is so very dear to me." 
In the future when we pray "The Lord's Prayer" together let us we open our hearts and talk with God in the way Luther offers us. 

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  Community Info & Links            

March 20 Sunday Worship 

This Sunday (March 20) please join us in welcoming our friend Vicki White, President of Chicago Books to Women in Prison, which is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization that distributes paperback books to incarcerated women. For more than 15 years they've provided a critical intervention into an oppressive system by offering the self-empowerment, education and entertainment that reading provides. Please come and listen to her ministry!! 


                                      Lenten Daily Prayer

                                                Mon - Friday Every Morning 8:00 AM                                          

 Please join us during the season of Lent, for a daily prayer group.  It is a wonderful way to begin the day!  If you would like to be a scripture reader during the morning prayer, please sign up here:
Here is the Zoom link to join the Daily Lent Prayer group:

Wondering How You Can

  Help the People of Ukraine?

United Methodists and others wishing to provide humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people in the wake of the Russian invasion of their country may contribute to Advance #982450, UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery. This fund will provide direct assistance to those in Ukraine as well as assistance to Ukrainians fleeing to neighboring countries.

Gifts to support the people of Ukraine can be made in the following ways:

  • Online at
  • By toll free telephone: 888-252-6174 
  • By check with "Advance #982450-Ukraine" written on the memo line, either mailed and addressed to Global Ministries/UMCOR, GPO, P.O. Box 9068, New York, NY, 10087-9068 or given at or through any United Methodist church 

One hundred percent of all Advance contributions go to the designated cause.

The United Methodist community in Ukraine, though quite small, is actively engaged in assisting neighbors in need. Global Ministries is in touch with the Church's leadership as well as with church leaders in countries welcoming those who are fleeing from violence in Ukraine.



O God of peace, our hearts are heavy
And our brains can barely keep up with the breaking news.
We don't know what to say or what to do in a world so wounded.
So we come to you with hearts heavy for
All who sit in the crossfires of violence and acts of war.
O God of peace, be with the people of Ukraine. 
With the mothers who carry babies to subway shelters.
With the fathers who hold their heads in their hands.
With the children who absorb the traumas.
Of violent acts of powerful men.
O God of peace, we don't know the words to pray
For a warring world and all who are vulnerable in it.
We don't pretend to know the extent of the damages
Or what tomorrow (or today) will bring.
But we know that you are a God of peace
And we can't bomb our way to shalom.
O God of peace, comfort the crying and heal the hurt.
Tend the aching  and soothe the fearful.
Make us instruments of your peace
Creating a sacred symphony where
Rhythms of grace are danced upon
And evil has lost its sting, now and forevermore.
O God of peace, hear our prayer.


United Methodists across the globe condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine and stand in solidarity with those experiencing violence, displacement and suffering in the midst of war. Learn more about the ways United Methodist prayers, aid and witness are being directed to Ukraine. The NIC Discipleship Task Force is hosting an hour-long (ZOOM) prayer service in response to the war in Ukraine. 

Date: Wednesday, March 23 from 5 - 6 pm. 

We hope you can join us as we pray for the people of Ukraine and an end to the violence. 
Please register to receive a Zoom link. (Register Here) 

Spaghetti Dinner

Saturday March 26th.  Spaghetti Dinner

The deadline to order some delicious spaghetti is Sunday March 20th.  Please contact the church office by e-mail to put in any last-minute orders.  Thanks to all who continuously support Ravenswood Fellowship UMC's fundraisers.  We appreciate our patrons and our helpers; we couldn't do it without you!

Job Opportunity
The Japanese American Citizens League - Chicago Chapter is seeking a Program Director to lead the many and varied programs of JACL Chicago.  

Please see the job description which is attached here.
 A decision is planned to be made by the end of March.  Applicants are encouraged to respond ASAP.  CVs and cover letters should be sent to with Program Director in the subject line.

                 Sermon by Phone service                    



If you do not have computer access or cannot access our Sunday worship service through a smart phone, we now have a sermon by phone service, which is available at any time! The phone number is (773) 219-0861.  You can listen to a recent version of Pastor Mori's Sunday sermon and it's free!  



     RFUMC Building Ministry 


Ravenswood Fellowship UMC March 2022 Calendar click Here
Church Room Reservation Form (to request use of the common areas of the church) Click Here 


  Links for Worship


  • Join Zoom worship by going to this link at 10:30 AM on Sunday: Or call in at 1-312-626-6799 (Meeting ID: 806 489 040). 
  • Let's boost our worship! Please sign-up for Worship service Bible reader Sign-Up here. March and April Scriptures and sermon titles are here
  • Young People's Bible Study. Ages 12-18 are invited to join the Zoom discussion of Jesus stories at 9 AM on Sunday mornings. Join the Zoom call here (Meeting ID: 828 2305 3546, One-tap mobile+13126266799)
  • Want prayer? During our Prayers of the People, we will read your prayer requests. Submit your prayer requests here.
  • Download. Get your bulletin here.
  • Having trouble? Try logging off and logging back on to Zoom during the video. Or simply log off and call in. 
  • Missed last week? Check out the Facebook Live video on our page here
Give on PayPal
Our mailing address is:
4511 North Hermitage Ave. Chicago, IL 60640
Contact us at:
(773) 561-2610

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