Friday, November 27, 2020

First Sunday of Advent

Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church

The Weekly Newsletter

   Message from Pastor Mori

Dear Ravenswood Fellowship family,

Last Sunday, I turned the Christian calendar and discovered that "this week is Advent!"  My first thought was not that exciting, but then I thought, " wow it seems too early!" This is because so many things have happened in 2020 and I feel like I need time to review my to-do list for 2020 to see if I accomplished what I had hoped to. 
I looked at my to-do list, which I wrote under the normal conditions, but we were working under a "new normal," situation. So instead of being overwhelmed about what I did not accomplish, I choose to focus on an important thing that I missed on my list. 
It is giving thanks to God. So I got rid of my "to-do list" then wrote a "thank you list," for this year. 
I thanks all of the front-line medical professionals, thank you for the one who cares COVID-19 patients all over the world. I thanks all of the nursing home staff who care for our elderly members. 
I thanks all of the teachers, transit drivers, delivery people, police officers, teachers, firefighters, post office workers, and grocery store employees, and plumbers and electricians. 
Thanks to Arthur who takes care of our building and helps me to set up all of the signs for church events. Also, thank you to Jonathan who fills my mind with beautiful music during every worship. I thank you secretary team for supporting me from the first day I worked; thank you to Yuko who every week gives me inspiration with her beautiful flowers; I thank Teddi who helps me to understand all of the financial numbers which I still need to learn about. I thank Dave and the trustees who take care of the parsonage; thank you for the youth group who everyday are growing up as Christians. I thank you for Cody and Tatum who are my millennial ministry leaders. Thank you, Megan, for your awesome comments about my Bible study; thank you, Matthew, for volunteering for the worship; thanks to Cheryl and Debbi and Marlynne, Sarah for your support of the new ministry. You are always with me so I can start new ministries. Oh, this is going too long….! 
I thank you for all of RFUMC. 
Also, I thank you for the pandemic, to enable me to learn new ministry skills like Zoom, Facebook, YouTube, and video editing. I give thanks to Dr. Anthony Fauci who provided the nation with a blueprint for staying healthy. I thank the person who recorded and reported bravely about the police officer with his knee on George Floyd's neck. Because of it, we could see the truth. I give thanks to my favorite restaurant, Sweet Maple, who did not give up on their business so I still can get my omelet.
And I thank you my fiancĂ© who sacrifice his Saturday often, and understands my busy schedule, and does Animal Crossing by himself. 
I thank you, God, for this Advent, for making me aware of the people who have touched our lives in ways that never seemed as important before the pandemic. And thank you God for sending new hope to us.
I hope you also will write a "thanks list," one day soon, being grateful, opening you up to this Advent season. 


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Community Info & Links


 Advent Book & Prayer Group



When it seems like the whole world is awash in lights, celebration, friends, and family, many among us feel an amplified sense of loss, grief, and disconnect. Blue Christmas, an Advent devotional book by Todd Outcalt, reminds us that even in our darkest times, God offers us hope and comfort if we are willing to bring our deepest fears into the light of God's love.


This year we will read together and pray together for the people who are lonely, anxious, or grieving. This is a time to pray for the community hurt by systemic injustice. To share in our prayer liturgy we need you to pre-register HERE
You can choose a Thursday night online class or a Saturday morning online class.


* Week 1  Thursday 12/03  7:00 PM or Saturday 12/05  9:30 AM
* Week 2  Thursday 12/10  7:00 PM or Saturday 12/12  9:30 AM
 * Week 3  Thursday 12/17  7:00 PM or Saturday 12/19  9:30 AM 
    * Blue Christmas Virtual Worship Service Saturday 12/19 7:00 PM 

Book Purchase - Upper RoomAmazonCokesbury, Barnes &Noble

Church office remotely work 

November 16 to December 4.
The church office will be closed for in-person visiting. For an emergency or for ministry needs the pastor will continue to work at the office. Also, please continue to remember the Night Ministry Christmas stocking ministry and the See's Candy ministry. 
 If you have a question feel free to contact: /
                                                                                    Phone: 773-561-2610



Japanese American Service Committee

The Japanese American Service Committee (JASC) is a social services agency located nearby at 4427 N. Clark St. about a half mile to our east.  Check out what types of programs and services they offer by clicking here to visit their website.  While the JASC offers many Japanese culturally based classes and programs, it is open to everyone.

Jumpstart Youth Ministry

 November Resources
Last month, the Discipleship Task Force introduced the first pair of videos for a six-month series about growing and strengthening discipleship ministries with a particular focus on youth. The theme for October was "Just Show Up!" as the first step in working, leading, and learning from young people. This month, the theme is "THE CHURCH OF TODAY"—how youth are already shaping and reshaping it, and how we can listen and learn from them. Tune in to Pastor Seamus' video on this theme, and then continue with Deacon Sharon's resource video! Click here for the videos and resources. 


Kids Above All Annual Holiday Gift Drive
Each year we rely on the generosity of supporters and volunteers, like you, who step up and purchase, deliver, sort, and organize gifts to make our children's holiday wishes come true. And this year, more than ever, your kindness is both needed and appreciated to help our kids build better lives. Here is the Holiday Gift Drive 2020 flyerPlease feel free to contact Catherine Inserra at for any questions.

    Christmas Caravan - (Dec. 6) 3:30 - 6:30pm.
Three Fox Valley United Methodist churches will host a drive-thru Christmas Story Caravan. Visitors are invited to drive from church to church, experiencing the story of Christmas with outdoor activity and freewill mission collection at each location. Admission is free. Click for details.

NIC Christmas Institute - (Dec. 26 - 28) 
This year's Christmas Institute theme is "Road Trip!" Organizers decided on this theme as a way to take participants all on a "virtual" trip during this time of quarantine. The event, a tradition for Filipino churches, is open to all youth and young adults and will be held via Zoom. The cost is $30. Click here to learn more and to register.

Small Business Saturday, Nov 28

The Fourth Quarter is essential to so many small businesses' bottom lines, which makes it even more important during a year when we are battling COVID-19.  Luckily for us, it's easy to support the shops and restaurants of Lincoln Square and Ravenswood when they've pivoted their business models to ensure you can support local safely this year! 

Check back throughout the holiday season for the latest and greatest ways to support the local economy and save money by shopping small. (from

Meeting Announcement

Christmas Eve Planning Team Meeting
Tuesday, Dec 01, 7:00 pm 
Zoom online. 

Ad Council Meeting 
Sunday, Nov 29, After worship 
Zoom online

After Covid-19 Updates. Read about the Phases for Re-Opening here. Is that document too long? Read the summary version here

Links for Worship

  • Join Zoom worship by going to this link at 10:30 AM on Sunday: Or call in at 1-312-626-6799 (Meeting ID: 806 489 040). 
  • Let's boost our worship! Please sign-up for Worship Bible Reader. Advent and Christmas time scripture and sermon title is here and Bible reader Sign-Up here.
  • Young People's Bible Study. Ages 12-18 are invited to join the Zoom discussion of Jesus stories at 9 AM on Sunday mornings. Join the Zoom call here (Meeting ID: 828 2305 3546, One-tap mobile+13126266799)
  • Want prayer? During our Prayers of the People, we will read your prayer requests. Submit your prayer requests here.
  • Download. Get your bulletin here.
  • Having trouble? Try logging off and logging back on to Zoom during the video. Or simply log off and call in. 
  • Missed last week? Check out the Facebook Live video on our page here
Give on PayPal
Our mailing address is:
4511 North Hermitage Ave. Chicago, IL 60640
Contact us at:
(773) 561-2610

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Ravenswood Fellowship UMC · 4511 N Hermitage Ave · Chicago, IL 60640-5303 · USA

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Friday, November 20, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church

The Weekly Newsletter

   Message from Pastor Mori

Dear Ravenswood Fellowship family,

The morning that I needed to send the letter that our church office would be closed for in-person visiting, my mind was heavy. I really love to see members of the Ravenswood Fellowship congregation, but as we go into the winter season, COVID-19 cases are going up and we need to follow the CDC recommendations. 

I really like my secretary team and working with them, and I really love to see the people who sometimes visit the church and say hi to me. I really love to meet the treasurer and catch up with her about weekly life, I love to see our gardening team chair and surprise her with beautiful art flower, I love to see our long -Superman member Enoch. So on the day that this "stay home" advisory started, my mind was not happy. 
I know we are tired of masks and social distancing and thanksgiving are coming which will be different from many other years. This year we need to celebrate this bountiful harvest by reinventing traditions. Each family will need to weigh the risks of celebrating. 
CNN reports that "small indoor gatherings are driving the recent spike in coronavirus cases. Family and friends are getting together without masks because they look "fine," it is not just that asymptomatic people are driving much of this spread. It's also that we don't want to think ill of our loved ones." (CNN News: How to avoid being the Grinch who stole Thanksgiving. Nov 13, 2020) Now many people choose to have a Thanksgiving family gathering virtually. I know, we all miss huge turkeys and grandma's secret cranberry recipe and aunt's delicious pecan pie and all of the family's smiles.
But I want to let you know that, we still have hope. And God will be with us, and we will find the true meaning of family love as we pray and keep safe with each other. I want to share one small story, again, in the morning. We closed the church office for in-person visiting and as usual, I opened the door and I found the donation box in front of the church.There was no name, but it was full of toys and baby food. I don't have any idea where these donation boxes were from but I know that it is love and caring towards the neighbor!! 
This unknown giver's gift is a sign of hope on that sad morning. 
The colorful infant's toys and the baby foods are a sign to me. Maybe this baby had grown up, so this parent made a decision to give their baby's toys to the church. I can see this donation box in the early morning and hope. 
Also, I hope all the Ravenswood Family also keeps hope alive, and give thanks to God for God's love during this holiday season.
The bigger turkey will be on the table next year!

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Community Info & Links


 Advent Book & Prayer Group


When it seems like the whole world is awash in lights, celebration, friends, and family, many among us feel an amplified sense of loss, grief, and disconnect. Blue Christmas, an Advent devotional book by Todd Outcalt, reminds us that even in our darkest times, God offers us hope and comfort if we are willing to bring our deepest fears into the light of God's love.

This year we will read together and pray together for the people who are lonely, anxious, or grieving. This is a time to pray for the community hurt by systemic injustice.

To share in our prayer liturgy we need you to pre-register HERE
You can choose a Thursday night online class or a Saturday morning online class.
* Week 1  Thursday 12/03  7:00 PM or Saturday 12/05  9:30 AM
* Week 2  Thursday 12/10  7:00 PM or Saturday 12/12  9:30 AM
* Week 3  Thursday 12/17  7:00 PM or Saturday 12/19  9:30 AM 
* Blue Christmas Virtual Worship Service Saturday 12/19 7:00 PM 

Book Purchase - Upper RoomAmazonCokesbury, Barnes &Noble

Church office remotely work 

Illinois' health department issued new guidance Wednesday urging residents to stay home and only leave for "essential activities, such as work that must be performed outside the home, COVID-19 testing, visiting the pharmacy, and buying groceries."

Following the guidelines, our secretary team will work remotely from November 16 to December 4. The church office will be closed for in-person visiting. For an emergency or for ministry needs the pastor will continue to work at the office. Also, please continue to remember the Night Ministry Christmas stocking ministry and the See's Candy ministry. 

 If you have a question feel free to contact: /
                                                                     Phone: 773-561-2610



  Annual Conference 2020 Highlights

More than 630 members participated in the 181st Northern Illinois Annual Conference virtually for the first time in history through a Zoom webinar on November 14.This is a highlight for the Annual Conference.
1. Episcopal Address here 
2. Anti-Racism training statement 
3. Laity Address here
4. Retirement Service** here

 ** this year's retirement service at the Annual Conference includes our beloved Pastor Linda.  Share in the acknowledgment of her years of hard work and commitment in this special ceremony.



Redistricting Announcement

Background and Brief History
A year ago at our special session of the annual conference, the dean of the Cabinet, Rev. Darneather Murph-Heath, announced that the Cabinet would be submitting legislation in June 2020 to reduce the number of districts from six to five. on November 14 we held our virtual Annual Conference and the reduction of districts from six to five was approved. 
Click here for lists of the 5 districts with their churches


A Discussion on Racism From an Asian Young Adult Perspective

November 24 at 7:00 PM Central Tiem

The Asian American Language Ministry Plan, the New Federation of Asian American United Methodists, and the General Board of Church and Society are co-sponsoring a six-part webinar series called "Raise Up Your Voice Against Racism".  This will be the second installment of the series.  The topic is "A Discussion on Racism from an Asian Young Adult Perspective". 

The purpose of these webinars is to discuss racism and all its complexities and practices through an Asian and Asian American lens. The webinar resister link is here.


2020 See's Candy fundraiser

Interested in purchasing some See's candy for the holidays?  You're in luck!  We are having our annual candy fundraiser.  We are starting late this year and thus there is not much time before the order needs to be placed.  Please have your order forms (and payment) to the church by 11/21.  You can mail the form (Attn: Teddi), place your order via email, or call the church to place the order.  Click here to get an order form.
We anticipate the orders will be available by 12/12.  If you are able to pick up your order between 9 a.m. and noon on the morning of 12/12 or between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. on the afternoon of 12/13 at the church, please let us know.  We have a few volunteers to help deliver candy if you absolutely can't pick it up.  

The Night Ministry Holiday Stockings

The holidays are just around the corner.  We will support the Night Ministry's annual distribution of Christmas stockings by collecting items and assembling the stockings to donate to the Night Ministry.  Here is the list of suggested items.  We will update you soon on the deadline for collection and the date we will assemble the stockings. If you have a question please contact Lisa Goodman or Church Office.

Kids Above All Annual Holiday Gift Drive

Each year we rely on the generosity of supporters and volunteers, like you, who step up and purchase, deliver, sort, and organize gifts to make our children's holiday wishes come true. And this year, more than ever, your kindness is both needed and appreciated to help our kids build better lives. Here is the Holiday Gift Drive 2020 flyerPlease feel free to contact Catherine Inserra at for any questions. 

NIC Christmas Institute - (Dec. 26 - 28) 

This year's Christmas Institute theme is "Road Trip!" Organizers decided on this theme as a way to take participants all on a "virtual" trip during this time of quarantine. The event, a tradition for Filipino churches, is open to all youth and young adults and will be held via Zoom. The cost is $30. Click here to learn more and to register.

NIC Medicare 101
Medicare Basis Educational Zoom Meeting

Free Webinar education for the Medicare program. These events are educational only.No specific product information will be provided during the zoom meetings. The dates and times are listed below. 

 Saturday, 11/21 at 10:00 AM

Attendees will register using only their name, email, and phone #  If attendees want individual reviews and product information following the event, they will be encouraged to email or contact me for a one on one consultation.
Registration link here 

Meeting Announcement

Christmas Eve Planning Team Meeting
Tuesday, Dec 01, 7:00 pm 
Zoom online. 

Ad Council Meeting 

After Covid-19 Updates. Read about the Phases for Re-Opening here. Is that document too long? Read the summary version here

Links for Worship

  • Join Zoom worship by going to this link at 10:30 AM on Sunday: Or call in at 1-312-626-6799 (Meeting ID: 806 489 040). 
  • Let's boost our worship! Please sign-up for Worship Bible Reader. November's Scripture here. November Bible reader sign-up here.
  • Advent and Christmas time scripture and sermon title is here and Bible reader Sign-Up here.
  • Young People's Bible Study. Ages 12-18 are invited to join the Zoom discussion of Jesus stories at 9 AM on Sunday mornings. Join the Zoom call here (Meeting ID: 828 2305 3546, One-tap mobile+13126266799)
  • Want prayer? During our Prayers of the People, we will read your prayer requests. Submit your prayer requests here.
  • Download. Get your bulletin here.
  • Having trouble? Try logging off and logging back on to Zoom during the video. Or simply log off and call in. 
  • Missed last week? Check out the Facebook Live video on our page here
Give on PayPal
Our mailing address is:
4511 North Hermitage Ave. Chicago, IL 60640
Contact us at:
(773) 561-2610

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Ravenswood Fellowship UMC · 4511 N Hermitage Ave · Chicago, IL 60640-5303 · USA

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