Friday, November 6, 2020

For your election stresses

Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church

The Weekly Newsletter

   Message from Pastor Mori

Dear Ravenswood Fellowship family,
Last month, the American Psychological Association found that 68% of adults surveyed say the 2020 election is a significant source of stress in their life.
Compared to 2016, the result was up from 52% in 2016. 
They found that 77% are "worried about the country's future" Across the board, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents are significantly stressed and Black adults had an even greater increase in stress from the election, from 46% in 2016 to 71% in 2020. 
As I read the news, I thought of all of you because this is our story, too, isolation and uncertain safety and future makes us stressed.
I pray for you and pray for the nation's future. 
Also, I want to share a few tips on handling election stress release from NPR. 
We need to expect delays in election results. As we heard from the news, it could be days or even a couple of weeks before we know the clear result. And replace scrolling with something nourishing.

NPR recommends that "…If watching TV, scanning the news, stresses you out, don't do it. Instead, do something that brings you joy: for example taking a physically distanced walk with a friend, going for a bike ride, or reading a book. Again NPR suggests unplugging from the news and investing more time in our relationships. "We need to know what's going on, but we don't need the late-breaking news every second of the day," and walking with a friend, going for a bike ride, or reading a book, are all suggested. 

I love this idea, replacing social media catch-up with something nourishing. There are many ways, reading books, listening to more music, or calling to our family, and friends. I want to add another important thing: have a personal Bible reading and reflection time, and time for prayer. I take a meditative walk once a week for instance. 

This will help us to manage and reduce stress. 
Ravenswood Fellowship church prepared the Pumpkin Spice cinema club, watching movies, laughing, and sharing our thoughts, and enjoying the conversation. We connect together as a faithful community. It is a fun and meaningful time. 
I know you are under a lot of stress, and again research shows our neighbors and friend and families, are too. You are not alone, I pray for you and I believe you pray for me, as we also pray for our neighbors, friends, and family. 
Your spiritual stress manager : )


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Community Info & Links

Japanese Garden Work 


There will be a Gardening Team workday this Saturday, November 7 at 9:30 am.  It will be less labor-intensive than our last workday.  We will plant bulbs, trim down branches, replace flowerbed borders, rake leaves and do some general clean-up. Join us if you have some spare time.  Bring gardening gloves and pruners if you have them.

RFUMC Charge Conference
Nov 15 12:00 PM 

Conference Zoom link
Zoom Meeting ID: 856 2333 0762 (Passcode: 856007)
Dial by your location
: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Ravenswood Fellowship UMC's Church Conference date is Sunday, November 15, at 12:00 PM. The SPRC meeting is at 11:30 AM. We have retained the church Leadership List as it was in 2019.  If you would like to verify which committees you may be part of, please click here.  Please let Pastor Mori if you see any errors.

Stewardship Sunday  
Sunday, November 08, 2020

Please join us this Sunday (through Zoom) November 8 for Stewardship Sunday.  We have recently mailed a letter and included a pledge form and a return envelope for your convenience.  Thanks to all who have already responded.  If you do not receive a letter, please notify the church office and we will be sure to mail another to you.  This Sunday, Alex Darcy will address the congregation on our current financial situation and let us know what to expect in the coming year.  Hope to see you on Sunday!

Pumpkin Spice Cinema Club

Do you like movies? I love movies! 

If you like movies and pumpkin spice tea, please join the Ravenswood Fellowship Church Pumpkin Spice Cinema Club. From October 22 to November 19, we will have a cinema club with five movies through Zoom online. These five movies will allow us to talk about social justice issues such as racism, justice, and global warming. Also, we will talk about the love and beauty of relationships. 

If you want to just come and enjoy with your popcorn, please log-in on the zoom links here:  (Meeting ID: 883 6694 3163)
Thursday,  November 12  7:00-8:00  Movie   Hillbily Elegy 
Thursday,  November 19  7:00-8:00  Movie   Wonder

Nov 14 NIC Annual Conference 

"Join" us at the annual conference on Saturday, November 14. We will live stream AC2020 from 10 am to 3:30 pm (with a break from noon - 1:30 pm) on Facebook


                       The Night Ministry Holiday Stockings

The holidays are just around the corner.  We will support the Night Ministry's annual distribution of Christmas stockings by collecting items and assembling the stockings to donate to the Night Ministry.  Here is the list of suggested items.  We will update you soon on the deadline for collection and the date we will assemble the stockings. If you have a question please contact Lisa Goodman or Church Office

Kids Above All Annual Holiday Gift Drive

Each year we rely on the generosity of supporters and volunteers, like you, who step up and purchase, deliver, sort, and organize gifts to make our children's holiday wishes come true. And this year, more than ever, your kindness is both needed and appreciated to help our kids build better lives. Here is the Holiday Gift Drive 2020 flyerPlease feel free to contact Catherine Inserra at for any questions. 

Meeting Announcement

Advisory Council 
Sunday, November 08 after worship 

Church Conference 
Sunday, November 15 after worship 

After Covid-19 Updates. Read about the Phases for Re-Opening here. Is that document too long? Read the summary version here

Links for Worship

  • Join Zoom worship by going to this link at 10:30 AM on Sunday: Or call in at 1-312-626-6799 (Meeting ID: 806 489 040). 
  • Let's boost our worship! Please sign-up for Worship Bible Reader. November's Scripture here. November Bible reader sign-up here. 
  • Young People's Bible Study. Ages 12-18 are invited to join the Zoom discussion of Jesus stories at 9 AM on Sunday mornings. Join the Zoom call here (Meeting ID: 828 2305 3546, One-tap mobile+13126266799)
  • Want prayer? During our Prayers of the People, we will read your prayer requests. Submit your prayer requests here. 
  • Download. Get your bulletin here.
  • Having trouble? Try logging off and logging back on to Zoom during the video. Or simply log off and call in. 
  • Missed last week? Check out the Facebook Live video on our page here
Give on PayPal
Our mailing address is:
4511 North Hermitage Ave. Chicago, IL 60640
Contact us at:
(773) 561-2610

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