Saturday, December 11, 2021


Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church

The Weekly Newsletter

   Message from Pastor Mori

Dear Ravenswood Fellowship Family.

How is your soul?
As we think about our soul reset during Advent, I think about my most important daily reset time: sleep. I was reading about why our sleep is important for our body, mind and soul, and I learned something new about sleep.

How was your night? Usually, I sleep well, but as we have entered the busy Christmas season, I have had trouble with both the amount and quality of my sleep. When I have had a very busy day with several meetings or when the church has a big project then that day I wake up during the night and cannot go back to sleep easily.

I am not the only person with this problem. The New York Times found that many people often say, "I'm exhausted. I was up half the night." Maybe you have heard this from your family or a friend.

The New York Times article says that "more than a third of American Adults are unable to consistently get a good night's sleep, with millions having trouble failing asleep or staying asleep. And the pandemic seems to have only made things worse, even for those who were previously "good "sleepers. Remote work gave many people more hours in the day for personal use, but at the same time it turned the workday into a 24/7 endeavor, with emails, text and Zoom calls at odd and often unpredictable times."

I think COVID-19 and our changed lifestyles have affected to our daily sleeping cycle, too. We are hearing daily news about thousands of cases of COVID-19.
So, now I want to invite you to think about all of the COVID-19 victims and their families. We know that countless families lost their loved one from COVID-19. According to Northwestern Medicine and Rice University research in 2019, grieving spouses who reported sleeping poorly had high level of health crisis such as heart disease and cancer.

I believe God gave us the night as a rest time to restore our body and mind. And this Advent, I hope we think about those who cannot get rest at the night. Advent is a waiting time for the glory of God, and as we go through, pause and pray for the ones who are unable to sleep, because of their grief, or someone who could not sleep due to worry about their health or family's health issues. Or someone who could not sleep because of concern for loosing job and financial crisis, or someone who overwhelmed by business in this season so could not sleep.

And you who, with your own reason could not sleep.
I hope all of you have 6 to 8 hours of good and sweet dream.
And enjoying rest time.
So I pray for your sleep.

Advent Blessings


Ps) Here I want to share Good night, Sleep Tips from The New York Times report that expert offer a variety of tips for getting a better night's sleep.

- Avoid all source of caffeine in the late afternoon and evening, as well as a big heavy meal close to bedtime.
- Practice good sleep hygiene. Go to be and get up at about the same time each day.
- Do not use alcohol to help you unwind. Try a warm bath or meditation
- Reading before bed is great, as long as it's not on a computer or tablet that emits sleep inhibiting light.
- If outside light impedes sleep, install light-blocking shades or curtains or use a sleep mask. If noise is a problem, use earplugs or a white noise machine.
- Consider cognitive behavioral therapy, which challenges underlying thoughts or behaviors that may be keeping you up at night.

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  Community Info & Links   


                             Christmas Eve Worship Service 

RFUMC Christmas Eve Service 
In-Person and Zoom Online
Friday December 24 3:00 PM 

Advent Book & Prayer Group

Thursday December 16 7:00-8:00 PM 

Join Zoom Meeting

          Meeting ID: 843 1782 3899


Christmas Potluck Luncheon
Sunday December 19th following worship service.

Please join us for our Christmas worship service (10:30 am) and our annual Christmas Potluck Luncheon directly following service.  Bring your favorite dish to share.  All food donations are welcome! 
We will feast on all the delicious food.  If you would be willing to volunteer to be a server or on the set-up/clean-up crew, please let the church office staff know.   We appreciate all donations and all volunteers.  Here is sign - up link for potluck. 


           Order your Christmas Poinsettia!

We are taking orders for poinsettias. ($15) They will be delivered to the church on December 17th and will adorn the altar in the sanctuary during the Christmas week.  Many thanks to Marlynne Nishimura for taking on the task of securing the orders and handling the delivery from the florist.  To place your order, please click here, or contact the church office at (773) 561-2610.  The deadline to order will be Dec 15.


Put your Holiday Spirit into action by stepping up to support Kids Above All's Holiday Gift Drive 2021. You can help make the holidays joyful and bright for all the children they serve in a variety of ways, including sponsoring children, volunteering in their toy room Dec 1-13, and/or ordering online to help stock their pop-up toy store. If you would like to help, contact Deaconess Catherine Inserra at 847-224-2870 or


                            12/23, 12/24 Church Office Hour 

Church Office Open 
Thursday 12/23 12:00 -2:30 
Friday 12/24 12:00-2:30 

Emergency Rental Assistance Program


Applications for the next round of Emergency Rental Assistance Program will open at 10 a.m. on Monday, December 6 for households that experienced a financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including a loss of income or increased expenses such as a reduction of work hours, unemployment or time taken off to care for oneself or loved ones who were ill or vulnerable to COVID-19. Tenants and landlords may apply online at through 11:59 p.m. on December 18.

In-Home Vaccinations Available

In-home vaccination is available to all Chicago households, with anyone age 5 and up is eligible to receive a vaccine. Up to 10 people can be vaccinated at a time, so Chicagoans can invite family, friends, or neighbors to their home to be vaccinated together. Appointments are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. To make an appointment for in-home vaccination, call (312) 746-4835 or register at

Vaccine Clinic 

COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic
The Neighborhood Boys and Girls Club, located at 2501 W Irving Park Rd., is hosting a COVID-19 vaccine clinic this weekend from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, December 11. Sign up for an appointment here. 

Paid Research Opportunity for Chicago Parents 

If you have a child aged 5-11, the Chicago Department of Public Health would like to ask you to participate in a virtual focus group! Qualified individuals who complete a full 90-minute online discussion session will earn $50. You just need access to the internet on a selected day in December via computer. Focus groups will be hosted in English and Spanish and will take place from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. the week of December 13. We look forward to hearing your thoughts. If you would like to participate, click HERE and please share this with the other Chicago parents or guardians. If you have questions about the research, please email

We have made a few changes to the church Leadership List as it was in 2020. 
If you would like to verify which committees you may be part of, please click here.  Please let Pastor Mori if you see any errors.

Upcoming Meetings

Advent Book/ Prayer Group 
Thu Dec 16 7:00 PM 


                                          Sermon by Phone service                    


If you do not have computer access or cannot access our Sunday worship service through a smart phone, we now have a sermon by phone service, which is available at any time! The phone number is (773) 219-0861.  You can listen to a recent version of Pastor Mori's Sunday sermon and it's free!  


                                        RFUMC Building Ministry                                                                               

 Ravenswood Fellowship UMC Dec 2021 Calendar Here 
 Church Room Reservation Form (to request use of the common areas of the church Click Here 

 After Covid-19 Updates

Read about the Phases for Re-Opening here. Is that document too long? Read the summary version here. Chicago is currently in Phase 5. Click here to view phase 5 recommendations. Chicago Reopen guidelines Here Cook County Depart of Public Health Facebook 

The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH)  announced Illinois' first known COVID-19 case caused by the Omicron COVID-19 variant (B.1.1.529), identified in a Chicago resident and known contact of a confirmed Omicron case from another state who visited the city.. Read the full news release here.

                                               Links for Worship
  • Join Zoom worship by going to this link at 10:30 AM on Sunday: Or call in at 1-312-626-6799 (Meeting ID: 806 489 040). 
  • Let's boost our worship! Please sign-up for Worship service Bible reader Sign-Up here. December Scriptures and sermon titles are here
  • Young People's Bible Study. Ages 12-18 are invited to join the Zoom discussion of Jesus stories at 9 AM on Sunday mornings. Join the Zoom call here (Meeting ID: 828 2305 3546, One-tap mobile+13126266799)
  • Want prayer? During our Prayers of the People, we will read your prayer requests. Submit your prayer requests here.
  • Download. Get your bulletin here.
  • Having trouble? Try logging off and logging back on to Zoom during the video. Or simply log off and call in. 
  • Missed last week? Check out the Facebook Live video on our page here
Give on PayPal
Our mailing address is:
4511 North Hermitage Ave. Chicago, IL 60640
Contact us at:
(773) 561-2610

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