Friday, December 4, 2020

Second Sunday of Advent

Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church

The Weekly Newsletter

   Message from Pastor Mori

Dear Ravenswood Fellowship family,

 At the end of a tough year, we look for new hope. It is time to reinvigorate our souls. I hope all of the Ravenswood Fellowship family will be well, healing from the past and increasing our fortitude for the future. I want to share some easy and simple ways to be at peace this holiday season. 
These tips come from The New York Times of Sunday, November 22, 2020. 
First, create a ritual. 
Do you have your own rituals? I have my prayer ritual for this Advent. I am using the book Blue Christmas. First, I read the Bible scripture for the day, like "The Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7), and then move to meditation.I light a candle and pray. Disciplined prayer life makes you more grounded. 
If you are not interested in prayer, find an activity that brings you peace. And make regular time for deep contemplation and stick to it.
Second, drop in on a service. 
The article says "Many people are curious about religion but intimidated to wander into a strange place of worship. Now you can just hop online." Yes, almost every church offers online worship. I am joining in on other church's devotions through Facebook live. It is such a good moment to connect with other people. Online worship gives us a lot of options and it is also a good way to see everyone's face (instead of their back!) during worship.
Third, forgive your enemies. 
I think this is a good explanation: "Finding beauty in your friends and co-workers is easy. The real challenge is to find beauty in people who hate you." What truth! Yes, we easily say, "LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR," but loving your enemies is a real Godly action that follows a change of heart. This is hard but here the first step. Let's remember the people who have forgiven you, even when you were clearly in the wrong. Then we will have more room to accept others! 
Fourth, light a candle. 
I love candles. Rabbi Kligfeld who teaches at Temple Beth Am in Los Angeles said, "It is not a coincidence that many many religious traditions have some form of a festival of light in the dead of winter."  Candles symbolize hope and the lighting of candles is a simple act of hope. 
If you do not have a place for candlelight, please join our Thursday/ Saturday Blue Christmas book club and our Advent Sunday worship. You will see these lights coming on as we are together blessed by this ritual. 
There are small things we can do and these small acts will be a light in the darkness, preparing us to face our future.
Also please remember, you are not alone. we walk together this winter as a faithful community.
In the book, "Blue Christmas" author Todd Outcalt said  Indeed, God has not abandoned us to darkness. Rather, God has come near to us in Christ-Emmanuel-which means God with us. Although we may be most aware of the fear or loneliness inside us, we need not forget that God lives with us too. We are never truly alone" 
We walk together this winter as a faithful community.


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Community Info & Links

Night Ministry Stockings are filled up! 

Thank you so much for your support of the Night Ministry stockings. 
Thank you deeply for taking the time to share your heart and caring.
I thank Lisa and Donna who picked up all of the stockings and delivered them to the Night Ministry. I hope that this winter, our warm hearts will embrace the people who need help. 
Thank you all! 

Advent Worship Litanies by Upper Room

Weekly Advent candle lighting reflections to be used at home. Worship gives us a chance to read and reflect and pray remotely. 
Every Wednesday, you can watch and participate in the worship through the Ravenswood Fellowship Facebook page (Here) at around 11:00 AM. 
If you want to see the Advent litanies check here 


 Advent Book & Prayer Group



When it seems like the whole world is awash in lights, celebration, friends, and family, many among us feel an amplified sense of loss, grief, and disconnect. Blue Christmas, an Advent devotional book by Todd Outcalt, reminds us that even in our darkest times, God offers us hope and comfort if we are willing to bring our deepest fears into the light of God's love.
You can choose a Thursday night online class or a Saturday morning, online class.

 Zoom link
Meeting ID: 852 3571 8340 
One tap mobile +13126266799,,85235718340# US (Chicago)

* Week 1  Thursday 12/03  7:00 PM or Saturday 12/05  9:30 AM
* Week 2  Thursday 12/10  7:00 PM or Saturday 12/12  9:30 AM
 * Week 3  Thursday 12/17  7:00 PM or Saturday 12/19  9:30 AM 
    * Blue Christmas Virtual Worship Service Saturday 12/19 7:00 PM 

Book Purchase - Upper RoomAmazonCokesbury, Barnes &Noble

Christmas Holiday Worship services schedule

Saturday December 19 - 7:00 pm Blue Christmas Service (Zoom)



Thursday December 24 - 8:00 pm Christmas Eve service (Zoom)

All services can be attended via Zoom by going to this link at: Or call in at 1-312-626-6799 (Meeting ID: 806 489 040). 

Church office staff working remotely

Continuing through the end of January
Following the guidelines issued from the Illinois Governor, the church office staff will continue to work remotely through the end of the year.  The office will be closed for in-person visiting. For an emergency or for ministry needs, the pastor will continue to work at the office.  
If you have a question feel free to contact:

                  Phone: 773-561-2610


Japanese American Service Committee

The Japanese American Service Committee (JASC) is a social services agency located nearby at 4427 N. Clark St. about a half mile to our east.  Check out what types of programs and services they offer by clicking here to visit their website.  While the JASC offers many Japanese culturally based classes and programs, it is open to everyone.

NIC Christmas Institute - (Dec. 26 - 28) 

This year's Christmas Institute theme is "Road Trip!" Organizers decided on this theme as a way to take participants all on a "virtual" trip during this time of quarantine. The event, a tradition for Filipino churches, is open to all youth and young adults and will be held via Zoom. The cost is $30. Click here to learn more and to register.

Meeting Announcements

Ad Council 
Sunday, Dec 06 after worship

 Obachan's (Japanese Grandma) Daidokoro (Kitchen) 
おばあちゃん の 台所

Jane Ogasawara has given us her old cookbooks, "Oryori" and "Itadakimasu" which were shared by the Japanese faith community, 
Here is a delicious secret recipe from Obachan! 

 Marinade For Chicken Teriyaki 

1 C. soy sauce    
3/4 C. sugar  
1/4 C.Mirin
1/3 C. Catsup
1/2 tsp. fresh garlic grated 
1/2 tsp. fresh ginger grated 

Mix well and soak Chicken overnight or for 4 hours. Bake for 30 minutes at 400F. Turn heat down to 350F. and bake chicken for another hour or until the chicken is done. Baste every 15 minutes (make a shiny glaze). 
The above marinade may also be used on beef teriyaki. Soak in a marinade for 10 minutes and broil or pan fry. 

Original recipe: June Hori.  
Glossary: Mirin -sweet rice wine.

After Covid-19 Updates
Read about the Phases for Re-Opening here. Is that document too long? Read the summary version here.
Links for Worship

  • Join Zoom worship by going to this link at 10:30 AM on Sunday: Or call in at 1-312-626-6799 (Meeting ID: 806 489 040). 
  • Let's boost our worship! Please sign-up for Worship Bible Reader. Advent and Christmas time scripture and sermon title is here and Bible reader Sign-Up here.
  • Young People's Bible Study. Ages 12-18 are invited to join the Zoom discussion of Jesus stories at 9 AM on Sunday mornings. Join the Zoom call here (Meeting ID: 828 2305 3546, One-tap mobile+13126266799)
  • Want prayer? During our Prayers of the People, we will read your prayer requests. Submit your prayer requests here.
  • Download. Get your bulletin here.
  • Having trouble? Try logging off and logging back on to Zoom during the video. Or simply log off and call in. 
  • Missed last week? Check out the Facebook Live video on our page here
Give on PayPal
Our mailing address is:
4511 North Hermitage Ave. Chicago, IL 60640
Contact us at:
(773) 561-2610

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